Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is a VERY good day...well, turned out to be.

You see that? Well don't look too closely, cause it's me makeup-less...in bed...looking all scrounged up. BUT, guess what else it is? It's a picture I took on my new computer. WAHOOOO! It's about time, seriously. For those of you who know me well enough to have experienced my old computer, you are silently cheering for me. When turned on it was hard to decipher weather someone was vacuuming, or if you were somewhere near the Hubble Spacecraft. Yes...it was loud, and slow, and rough. May she rest in peace. It was the computer I've had since I started college...circa 2004. Needless to say many a paper, itunes download, and youtube video later...she'd seen better days. SO, I finally decided it was time to upgrade to a Mac. Which made my day. Which was good, cause this is how my day went today.

5:00 AM - woke up. WIDE awake. Couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to hit up the gym.
7:00 AM - Home, showered, fed, readied...etc.
8:30 AM - Off to the gym to train...took alternate route than normal
8:35 AM - Pulled over by Jr. COP on said route for going 10 over in a 25 (oops) and ticketed. YIKES.
10:10 AM - More Work. Work. Work. Work. It was a crazy day for me today.
5:40 PM - Leave Work.
5:45 PM - Speak with Central Bank Representative who confirms that some fool in Brooklyn did indeed spend hundreds of dollars via my Debit card info. :(
6:00 PM - On my way to Mac store to purchase laptop.
6:10 PM - Decided just to go home mid-drive because I freak out about spending that much money.
7:00 PM - Talk to my mom who laughs that I didn't end up buying the computer I've been wanting FOREVER, and tells me to go back and buy it.
7:30 PM - Computer purchased :)
Yep. That made my day.


Tracey said...

Congratulations... you'll love it!

Karrissa Winward said...

Yah! You will love it! Is it a laptop?

danielle said...

Well i'm impressed with your computer's 5 year life span! I've already had 2 brand new computers in the last 3 years... let's not talk about that.
But Congrats! I'm happy/jealous for you :)

The Smith Clan said...

Did you get a real ticket Megs? From Jr.Cop? I'm so glad you finally got that new computer! Ya-hoo!

rosemarie said...

congrats on the new computer, you will love it. and I am glad you got the one you wanted.

Gotta love those Jr. cops...... they can make a day.....

See you tomorrow. Love ya.

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My Current Reading List...if only I could read one book at a time...

  • The Goose Girl
  • All But My life **Just finished this one. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely makes you appreciate your blessings!
  • The BOM; of course ;)
  • And Then There Were None
  • Les Miserables (been reading this one for a year...so good, but taking me forever)

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My Name is Megan. I am a certified personal trainer, runner, and a baker who loves all things health and fitness! I'd love to answer any questions you may have. Email me at megolina21 at gmail.com

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