Thursday, September 11, 2008

Addiction? Obsession? Enslavement??

So, I was sitting here today, on my computer of course, wondering to myself what I used to do. You know, before absolutely everything we did involved using the computer. I mean really, think about it. You can attribute every single thing you do to the computer and the internet...It's like...."check my blog"..."you can sign up online"..."they've got to have a website"..."i'll google that"..."I'll check him out on facebook"..."what was the name of that resturaunt?"...all day long. I mean, even the ultimate time-waster, shopping, can now be done from the comfort of your couch. Don't get me wrong, I think I'm coming off as complaining, and that isn't the case at all. I LOVE the new lifestyle that this phenomenon they call the World Wide Web has created, I'm just really trying to remember how I used to fill my spare time. In my apartment a few months ago the phonebook people left a phonebook on my doorstep. I think the updated Yellow Pages probably used to be a necessity, but I honestly can't tell you the last time I picked up a phone book. After all, why would I spend the time thumbing through all those pages when I could pull up the webpage in 2 seconds, find the address, a map of how to get there, and how popularly it's rated all at once. I love the fact that I get to catch up with people's lives that I don't talk to on a regular basis via the blogworld. I love email communication. I love being able to find anything, anywhere, at anytime. I love the ease of paying my bills online. I love being able to find recipies and tips on how to do pretty much anything you could possibly want. I love facebook. Enough said there, I just love it. I find it funny because whenever i'm bored it's like, flip on the Compaq. (Yep, still rockin' the Compaq. It's seen WAY better days. If you'd like to donate to the "Megan REALLY needs a new computer fund" let me know.) I shouldn't even just say it's when I'm bored, because that isn't entirely true. For some reason after I've gone for several wireless hours there is this hankering inside me to know how many notifications I'll have on the old FB, and if so and so has emailed me back yet. I know a lot of you feel the same way. I find it crazy because I know it didn't used to be this way. Now, before you go being all concerned about me being on the computer too much don't worry. I still actually do other things as well...I'm just saying...we didn't used to be so cybersavvy. Crazy how the times have changed.


Nichole Barney said...

I totally agree it is pretty crazy what the computer does for us. It is fast quick and easy entertainment that can be a little obsessive if I don't pay attention. I just took a photoshop class tonight and that added even more hours to what I can do if I want. Crazy!

Kate said...

Um...I think you know how I feel about the ol' WWW....I will see you on facebook a little later ok?

McKenzie said...

I totally agree! When given the choice 9 times out of 10 I will choose a computer over a person to interact with (like the self-check out at the grocery store). Technology is taking over our lives!!!

Benita said...

it is completely true. the world wide web has consumed too many countless ours of mine, just browsing. but i as well am not complaining... a bonus is that shopping online there is always much more sales it seems..therefore we can stay budget.

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My Current Reading List...if only I could read one book at a time...

  • The Goose Girl
  • All But My life **Just finished this one. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely makes you appreciate your blessings!
  • The BOM; of course ;)
  • And Then There Were None
  • Les Miserables (been reading this one for a good, but taking me forever)

Munch & Crunch

Munch & Crunch
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My Name is Megan. I am a certified personal trainer, runner, and a baker who loves all things health and fitness! I'd love to answer any questions you may have. Email me at megolina21 at

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