Monday, July 7, 2008

Lots of Fireworks...literally and figuratively...

Happy 4th! What a fun weekend!! I love the fourth of July, mainly because I am IN LOVE with fireworks. It was so strange to not have the whole family here for the 4th like usual, but I still mananged to have a good time. We floated the river with some friends, and I WISH i had some pictures from that. Don't worry, I flipped within the first 5 seconds of being on the river. And Ended up getting fully submerged at the end. It was FREEEZing. Quite an experience! Later that night we went up to the Temple Hill to watch the fireworks with some friends. So fun!

Jenna, Benita & I
Trevor, Brian, & I (not quite sure what the faces are here??)
Me & Jenni Bo Bo. It was so fun to have here here for a week!
On Saturday Morning. Brad Randall, Rob Graham, Jenna, Benita, and I drove to Boise for Heather and Josh's Wedding Reception which was SO fun and SO beautiful. I was so glad I was able to go!

Me with the ADORABLE couple. Aren't they cute??Beni & I pre-reception...and all polka dotted out At one point in the reception we got ourselves involved in a little game of what we affectionately call "M&M roulette" Basically everyone has their hands in fists and some people have a bag of blue M&M's in thier hands. One person (unaware of which hands hold the bags of delightfullness) chooses two hands, and if they choose hands with M&M's they have to eat all of them. Needless to say a lot of M&M's were consumed in a short period of time.

Robby G & Boo Rad w/the bridesmaids. This is what Brad called our "old time" Photo. Rob didn't get the memo.
Lova's Bridesmaids.
Yep. I caught the bouquet. Unfortunately the lack of prospects doesn't make this catch to promising...i guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we. ;)
Heath I'm so excited for you! Thanks for letting us share your special day with you! xoxoxo


Jenna said...

So fun! I can't wait until I get all of my photos photoshopped. You are going to love them!

Chelsey said...

How fun! You girls look so cute in your bridesmaid dresses! Tell Heather congrats!

Nicole said...

So I am a little slow and just came across your personal blog:) How cute are you?! I love this one and am going to have to add it to my list so I can visit often. You are hot!

The Smith Clan said...

Hey, You guys look adorable all polka dotted out! The dresses turned out darling!! Looks like you had a great time!! So Megan who is the guy that Brigitta, Nichole's friend from High School was talking about? She commented on your blog??? I'm so happy for Heather! Megs, Mr.Right is out there somewhere for you. You'll find him when you least expect it!!

The Smith Clan said...

ONLY 3 MORE DAYS until we leave for Newport!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!

Nichole Barney said...

You look adorable in the polka dots! Looks like a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

meggie!! cute pics! thanks so much for driving up! you girls are so adorable... being married is so fuN! I wish you could come up and visit...

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My Current Reading List...if only I could read one book at a time...

  • The Goose Girl
  • All But My life **Just finished this one. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely makes you appreciate your blessings!
  • The BOM; of course ;)
  • And Then There Were None
  • Les Miserables (been reading this one for a good, but taking me forever)

Munch & Crunch

Munch & Crunch
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My Name is Megan. I am a certified personal trainer, runner, and a baker who loves all things health and fitness! I'd love to answer any questions you may have. Email me at megolina21 at

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