Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Here Comes the Bride!!

One of my best friends Heather Bateman got married to Josh Davis, an amazing guy, today! Jenna flew in from Texas last night and Jenna, Benita, Lindsay and I drove up to bountiful early this morning to be with Heath as she got all ready for her big day. She looked SO beautiful, and it was fun to get to run around with her family amongst all the craziness. I just love Heather SO much! I have lived with her for 4 years (5 if you count being neighbors in Rogers Hall). She is one of the kindest, most Christ-like people I know. She has the ability to make people feel loved and important. She is SO smart. She makes me laugh. We share the same sense of humor, and the list of inside jokes is endless. I will miss our gospel talks, and always ending with our favorite phrase..."Everything will work out how it's supposed to." Yep , we're profound. Bottom Line. She is one of the most amazing people I know. I'm SO happy for her! I love Josh too. What a perfect couple!!!Me and Heath right before she went to the temple.
Last pic with all the girlies and single Heath for the last time.
YEAH!! They're married!! Congrats you two!!


The Smith Clan said...

Congrats to Heather!! They look so cute and happy! Love it!

Amber said...

That is such a cute picture of you and Heather!! I am sure the wedding was amazing! Thanks for posting pictures. I am sad I couldn't make it up there! I also love those shoes you chatted about. Definitely a great buy!

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My Current Reading List...if only I could read one book at a time...

  • The Goose Girl
  • All But My life **Just finished this one. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely makes you appreciate your blessings!
  • The BOM; of course ;)
  • And Then There Were None
  • Les Miserables (been reading this one for a year...so good, but taking me forever)

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My Name is Megan. I am a certified personal trainer, runner, and a baker who loves all things health and fitness! I'd love to answer any questions you may have. Email me at megolina21 at gmail.com

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