Saturday, February 21, 2009

Decisions Decisions

So, I was talking to a good friend Brad yesterday, and he the topic of "what we were doing with our lives," came up, as it frequently does around these parts. He and I were joking about how we're sick of having to be so dang responsible all the time...(or at least try to be)...Anyways, he said something along the lines of how this is the "decade of decisions," in our lives. I'm not quite sure where that came from, but I think it's true. A this point in our lives we have to make so many decisions that can determine where our lives will go.

Let me just tell you. I HATE (all caps necessary) making decisions. This is my favorite game to play...
person: Megan where do you want to go eat dinner
me: ummm, I don't care where do you want to go
person: you say that every time
me: I know. I do care, but I just hate deciding. Give me your top three choices.
person: A, B, & C.
me: much easier. No, No, and Yes.
person: you're a pain
me: I know.

If only all of life's decisions could be made in this way. I think I'd do a lot better.

Heavenly Father: Megan do you want to go back to school and get a masters?
me: ummm, that sounds good. Which program?
Heavenly Father: You can choose A, B, or C
me: I pick C. Done.

Heavenly Father: Megan do you want to get married?
Me: Yep, who should I marry.
Heavenly Father: you can marry A, B, or C.
Me: I pick A.

hmmm....if only....don't worry I know this isn't how it's supposed to be. A girl can dream?
As for now. I'm looking up graduate programs, trying to decide if I want to put the time, money, and effort into going back for another degree. AND trying to see if there is one that is beckoning my name...this is rough.


Karrissa Winward said...

Making decisions is so tough!! But aren't you so grateful you can pray and receive help with problems and questions. I always think of those without the gospel and wonder how the heck they make decisions on their own!!

Kelly said...

Amen to Karrissas comment. With out the gospel.. people really just wander like a chicken with no head .. but 99% of the time they are drunk. ha! They just drink and wonder what to do. One thing to look forward to is that it DOES get a little easier. I dunno what I would do with out Roger to narrow it down to three! He helps me decide A,B, and C. Then we/I pray. but i know how you feel. Being a grown up is not all its cracked up to be.

Nichole Barney said...

I agree! and the decisions never end. Kiley and I are looking over her schedule that has to be in for freshman year Monday and those decisions determine her whole future. I couldn't do it all without prayer. Even if we don't get struck by lightening with an answer I feel guided in one way or another but it takes a whole lot of PATIENCE & FAITH!

Lauri said...

Good counsel from everyone. What would we do with out that guidance and eventual peace? You are so awesome and you will make the right decisions! Isn't in interesting that we look back later after making a difficult decision and wonder why we thought it was so hard. I made a choice a long time ago and have wondered what would have happened if I had done something differently, amazingly I just got confirmation that it had made a good choice and I had just wondered in my mind again. Prayers are answered sometimes it takes time for the anwers, I never dreamed this one would take so long!

rosemarie said...

Good advice and thoughts from everyone. It is such a blessing to understand the power of prayer and spiritual guidance as well as having the maturity and experience to make good decisions. One decision always leads to another, it's called growth and opportunity. Best of luck in making next decisions.

Ash said...

I am exactly the same way. It is annoying even to me, but you will be blessed for carrying on and you will be so grateful in the end that you did. All decisions are well worth waiting for the right opportunity. And you never know, someday your prayers may be answered in just that way. :)

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My Current Reading List...if only I could read one book at a time...

  • The Goose Girl
  • All But My life **Just finished this one. It is absolutely amazing. Definitely makes you appreciate your blessings!
  • The BOM; of course ;)
  • And Then There Were None
  • Les Miserables (been reading this one for a good, but taking me forever)

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My Name is Megan. I am a certified personal trainer, runner, and a baker who loves all things health and fitness! I'd love to answer any questions you may have. Email me at megolina21 at

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